Insight is the benchmarking tool for analysing attainment data in the senior phase, accessible by secondary schools and local authorities. There are two releases of Insight per year; the September Update provides yeargroup based attainment data for previous sessions. The February Update adds initial leaver destinations data for those leaving school in the previous academic year, facilitating the analysis of both attainment and destinations data at the point of exit from the Senior Phase. The most recent update is the February 2025 update.
Advisor Support
Information on Advisor support, including how to arrange support sessions, can be found through our Insight Padlet. Please email the Advisor if you require further information.
Understanding and Using Insight
COVID-19 statement (updated Sept 2023)
Insight Tariff Ready Reckoner - For SQA National Courses & Units
Tariff Calculator - Calculate points for SCQF units and courses
Literacy and Numeracy Measure - A paper highlighting what contibutes to this measure
Tariff Points - Using points to understand attainment
Virtual Comparator - What the VC is and how to interpret it
Surfacing Attainment - Finding your awards and identifying what others are offering
Course Completion Rate - Using Breadth & Depth to surface how well learners are completing their courses
Deep Dive 1: Guide to Insight Tariff - Using the tariff scale to understand attainment
Deep Dive 2: Recognising Achievement - Capturing wider achievement
Deep Dive 3: Deprivation Data - Using deprivation data to inform improvements
Deep Dive 4: Key Attainment Areas - Using Insight to understand impact of recent improvements
Deep Dive 5: Destinations - Linking attainment to post-school participation
Deep Dive 6: Tracking Attainment Gaps - Interrogating how different cohorts perform
Deep Dive 7: National and School Presentation Rates - A how-to guide to finding presentation rates at school and national level
The Insight Padlet contains additional support materials.
Going Further with Insight
Deep Dive 8: Using the Analytical Dataset - Using the Dataset to enhance your analysisDeep Dive 9: Course Comparator - Comparing attainment in SQA graded courses
Deep Dive 10: Learning Partners - Linking with other centres to aid partership working
SCQF Credit Points filter within Breadth and Depth - Highlighting the addition of a new filter to this measure
Technical Guide - For an advanced understanding of Insight
To provide feedback on Insight please send us an email.